Habitat Loss
Bees need resources in the natural landscape including flowering plants for nutrition and soil and aging trees for nesting sites. The distance bees will fly to forage for nectar and pollen depends on the species. Diverse, concentrated floral blooms in a 1-3 mile radius are beneficial for wild bees.
Blooms need to be available during the entire growing season
Flowering plants native to North America are best for wild bees, as they have coevolved together and are adapted to grow in local conditions. When choosing which plants to add to your garden, consider the bloom time of each species. Your garden should have flowers available for pollinators from early spring to autumn.
Bees need nesting sites to reproduce
Some species nest underground while others lay their eggs in hollow plant stems or decaying wood. As urbanization expands, grass and pavement replace the natural landscapes bees rely on.

Master Gardener Pollinator Habitat Certification
If you live in Pennsylvania, you are eligible to certify your pollinator friendly garden with the Penn State Master Gardeners. Certifying your property as "Pollinator Friendly" will help support a healthy ecosystem for our community and our future.