The BeeShiny
tool serves as a centralized access point for county-level precipitation, temperature and land use data across the continental United States.
How to Use BeeShiny
CPR’s BeeShiny Github holds the material needed to recreate the workshop introducing beeshiny, which was held at Penn State's EcoSpatial Summit on Oct. 10-11, 2024. Beeshiny is a web-based tool that makes it easier to access the land use, habitat quality, weather and climate data currently featured in Beescape, another tool developed by Penn State University. Beescape can be used by beekeepers, gardeners, urban planners, growers, researchers, and land managers to assess the quality of their landscapes for supporting bees and other pollinators. Beeshiny is a researcher-focused complement to Beescape.
The workshop covered topics on how to use R to process GIS layers and tabular outputs downloaded from the beeshiny app. The instructions for these tutorials can be accessed via BeeShiny’s Github page.

After launching BeeShiny, select the specific state(s) and counties you wish to study. Then click 'Go to variable selection'.

Use this interface to collect historical land use, precipitation and temperature records in an easy to read, .csv file format. Visit the BeeShiny Github for example R code that can be used to view, analyze and manipulate downloaded records.
For more information about BeeShiny, please contact Heather Grab
BeeShiny is made possible by a grant from the USDA AFRI Data Science for Food and Agricultural Systems program (#2021-67021-34146) to C. Grozinger, A. Robinson, V. Khanna and S. Goslee.