mining bee on a blueberry flower

Volunteers record bee biodiversity and discover new species in Pennsylvania

honeybees buzzing around a bee box

Honey bees may play role in spreading viruses to wild bumble bees

wide shot of pollinator and bird garden

Arboretum at Penn State’s Pollinator and Bird Garden wins international award

beekeeper inspecting a bee box

Combining pest treatments may be key to helping honey bees survive the winter

book cover shows bee on flower

Penn State pollinator experts author a new book that explores the lives of bees

bee in yellow flower

Bee body mass, pathogens and local climate influence heat tolerance


Schreyer Scholar’s lessons in music extend beyond the classroom

bee on purple flowers


Beekeeper checking bee frames in lush outdoor area

Apes Valentes and Dutch Gold Research Award Recipients Announced

beekeeper inspects a hive

Penn State Extension to offer ‘Beekeeping Around the World’ webinar series

chef in white clothes

Penn State students taste pollen smoothies, honey, and lemon grasshoppers

two headshots side by side

Penn State entomologists appointed to national committee on pollinator research

boy kneels in garden

CPR seeking applications for 2024 Apes Valentes Student Awards and the Dutch Gold Honey Undergraduate Award for summer research and other projects in pollinator biology and health

osmia bee on wood

A Quick Lesson on the Birds and the (Mason) Bees

honey in jar

Why are bees making less honey? Study reveals clues in five decades of data

Penn State Shield on gradient blue to creek background

Music, theater students team with Center for Pollinator Research on project

group of people stand on a stage facing the camera

Penn State students secure first place at national entomology games

pollen grains

Center for Pollinator Research launches pollen identification service

honey bees on frame

Dangerous bee virus less deadly in at least one US forest, researchers find

honey bees surround queen bee

Honey bees may inherit altruistic behavior from their mothers

brown flowers in garden

A Summer in the Pollinator and Bird Garden

a bee hotel, a wooden structure filled with empty tubes and wood blocks with drilled holes sits alongside a walking path in a garden bed at The Arboretum at Penn State

New updates come to 'Beescape,' an online tool for supporting pollinators

insecteye set up in garden bed

Penn State receives $3M grant to address insect biodiversity crisis

two people use a microscope

Workshop empowers beekeepers to breed more resilient honey bees

honey bee on orange flower

Happy National Honey Bee Day!

farm field

Elementary curriculum on Pennsylvania pollinators and agriculture available to educators

Screenshot of the Beescape interface with the point icon circled.

Online landscape quality assessment tool receives updates

four people pose with an award plack

Penn State Master Gardeners honored internationally for bee monitoring work

A large group of people pose for a group photo

Penn State hosts international pollinator conference- Penn State Today

Bee on a pink flower with pollen stuck all over its body

An Essential U.S. Pesticide Database is Disappearing

A large group of people pose for a group photo

Creating Networks at the 2023 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy

bumble bee feeds from an orange flower

Celebrate National Pollinator Week

beekeeping today podcast logo featuring a honey bee

Listen: The Spotted Lantern Fly and Bad Honey with Dr. Robyn Underwood

photo of eastern redbud flowers against blue sky and distant conifer trees

Support Pollinators This Season #PlantMayFlowers

a beekeeper inspects two honey bee colonies

Penn State PA Beekeeping Management Survey now open!

three beekeepers work in honey bee hives while a fourth person takes notes

Organic beekeeping rivals conventional methods for bee health, productivity

Photograph of Dr. Grozinger wearing beekeeping veil while holding a frame of honey bees.

Grozinger receives 2023 President’s Award for Excellence Academic Integration

Top view of a bumble bee.

Recipients of the 2023 Apes Valentes Summer Research Awards

bees on a bright golden honeycomb

Applications are now being accepted for the 2023 Dutch Gold Honey Undergraduate Scholarship!

Beekeeper checking bee frames in lush outdoor area

Applications now being accepted for the 2023 Apes Valentes Student Award!

A green sweat bee (Augochlora pura) forages on goldenrod flowers.

Study suggests one-third of wild bee species in Pa. have declined in abundance

People sitting in the audience as a conference listening to a speaker.

International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, Policy slated for 2023

Image of the puppet show stage, large painted monarch butterfly wing with various puppets hanging out of it.

Master Gardener puppet show pairs pollinator education with catchy tunes

Bumble bee pollinating a purple flower

New clues about how carbon dioxide affects bumble bee reproduction